Thanks for a fascinating discussion- I listened to it as I was driving my RV across Nevada, and now that I have arrived at my destination, I am buying the book! And I am envious of the architectural tour of Chicago - I wouldn’t have appreciated it as an undergrad, but boy does it sound fun now that I am in my 60’s.

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Thanks so much, Elizabeth. I'm envious of the tour, too, and so glad you took Scott and me along for the drive. I highly recommend his book!

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Aug 20Liked by Ben Tumin

Skipper! Your thoughts after the first night of the D Convention? I have to catch up but from the little I saw, a pep rally rife with glitteratic production . . .?

But this great interview, my mind leapt to parallels with our current predicament: eminently preventable, scapegoating, media storytelling, commissioners' self-serving superficial fluff findings, bipartisan unity and flocks herded by media hype. What I've heard, voters not yet personally disturbed enough to rise up for a grand reopening.

Thanks for this enlightening trip back!

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Aug 20Liked by Ben Tumin

"The US is the most tyrannical regime on the entire planet. No other power structure on earth has spent the 21st century killing people by the millions in wars of aggression. No other government is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases, waging nonstop wars around the world, and working to destroy any population on earth who disobeys its dictates via invasions, proxy conflicts, bombing campaigns, starvation sanctions, staged coups and covert ops.

This is all held in place using the most sophisticated propaganda machine that has ever existed. Americans are the most propagandized population on earth, successfully manipulated into thinking, speaking, laboring, spending, acting and voting exactly how the powerful want them to in a mind-controlled dystopia — all while believing themselves to be free."


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Aug 20Liked by Ben Tumin

Aaron Maté


In running against the other party, Democrats fear-monger about being rounded up in Fascist prisons and Republicans fear-monger about being placed in Communist gulags.

And meanwhile both parties join hands to cage two million Palestinians in an actual death camp.


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Thanks, pr! Yeah, those takes square with mine... I've been watching NBC News for the last 20 minutes to help prepare for an interview on Friday about the convention. The reporters' one-sided portrayal of protestors as "anti-authority and anti-police" is very on brand stupid. Seems pretty simple to me—stop the genocide and there won't be any pesky protestors!

So yeah my first thoughts are not positive. I've yet to watch AOC's speech.

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Aug 20Liked by Ben Tumin

I just this minute finished watching! Eager to hear your thoughts.

Willing to see her go back to serving omelets, this put me in mind of tent preaching - scary!

My questions: what have she and Harris done these last 4 years for anyone below the diamond necklace set? And what did this AOC audition(?) have to do with real issues?


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Eek I just watched. I admit to being a little confused about what the point of any of these speeches is

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Aug 20Liked by Ben Tumin

From the stage side, my cynical thought: propaganda to retain power and avoid waiting tables . Cannot put my hands on The Bernays Reader but I did find my Charlotte Perkins Gilman trilogy - if you haven't read Herland, it's short. https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/32

Looks like quite the gilded lineup for tonight!

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I’ll check it out, thanks! Can’t say no to a feminist novel from 100 years ago. Interesting that Sanders and AOC have gone from outsiders to prime time convention speakers. How much have they moved the party left? How much have they been co-opted? I’ll ask this week’s interviewee (Kevin Kruse) what he thinks

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