Apr 15, 2023Liked by Ben Tumin

Just two quibbles: First, a person refers to an elected official by his highest office title for the rest of his life, so Governor Leland Stanford is not "elitist". Second, while the Stanford-Binet IQ test may have originally been used by the US military to "assure low IQ cannon fodder", I can say that ONLY college students/grads in my basic training cycle (Ft Polk, summer 1969) were assigned 11B (Infantry) AIT.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ben Tumin

Thank you, Skipper for this much needed corrective to screedster Gary Kamiya's rabid excoriation of "Palo Alto" in the NYT book revenge (sic) section. Kamiya should be forced to listen to this interview a la the Ludovico Technique of re-edumacation.

Re Substack Notes: If you're "still getting the hang of it", you can imagine the difficulty a Luddite like I (sic) had. I just gave up , knowing I'll never be hung :)).

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Thanks, Vincysoisse. I heard about the review in the NYT! I haven’t read it and I don’t think I need to...

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