And how skipped is this? I know I got my copy at an airport, must've been on the way home. On top of my reading stack now, already 6 yrs old.


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Lots bad to share but when do we hear solutions? Add these to your skipped stew pot pantry (spicy servings so far!), knowing I've missed a lot that's pretty much it from my end. ###

donuts fresh from 2013, Kate Raworth


the baker likes Lakoff


other skipped nibbles? i bet not household names

Chuck Marohn, Strong Towns, particularly rich


James Kwak

links to book, CH 1 -4 here,


especially action brainstorming


board games!



back to copyright intent: sharing thoughts not litigating possession?


participatory democracy: budgeting, policy, planning, more. born in Brazil 30 yrs ago, birthed in US too then abusive death?


morality and democracy begin at home



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Wow, you've given me a lot of homework here... and I do not mind! Just gave all the links a first perusal. I love the Honest Government Ad, hadn't seen it... Will dig into everything further. Thanks for sharing!

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Skipper, if not on your reading list, plz consider The Dawn of Everything. I only started listening but WOW facts so more fascinating than self-serving fiction. Already it explains so much that current tales don't ring true. Duh, how could we have gotten this far if human history was like current events! (Maybe through the power bestowed on historians unable to interpret beyond their own experience?)


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10-4. Looks quite up my alley. Adding it to my reading wishlist!

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Thanks for the rec

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You do yourself no favors encouraging me. Peeling a sweet potato, public service announcements popped into my head. When did you last hear one? One of my big irritations when the pandemic started because for some reason I was getting British psa's about hand washing, distancing: pulling together for mum/families/friends/community. Yet here in US, from the start, INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS (w/ priority to MINE). Individual freedoms v. collective-continuing-to-live-on-this-planet. Dr. Berger in thejuicemedia interview mentioning sequestering the infected NOT in hotels and why, Belgium's CO2 monitoring/public venue limits,


Not rocket science. Innovative low cost quickly executed potentially high benefit public good crisis response. Classrooms with open windows (!) and big fans angled for max circulation. What high alert crack US SWAT team swinging into action, what plan unveiled/widely disseminated, what project cycles whipped into action in and across systems? Planning>>execution>>data collection>>assessment>>correction>>planning>>etc. addressing common covid impacts: physical, retail, production, education, housing, agriculture, transportation, etc.?

Answer: Apparently Jared and his school buddies. Pick your report,


Administration Accountability? So much history skipped, so little time to recall.

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Biden's fast building his own skipped history.

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Indeed, and as usual, the Kushner-related news is disturbing. Thanks for turning me on to Juice Media!

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Interesting K point. What grasp on democracy OR bureaucracy has The Extended Family ever sought let alone got? They're not bigly borrowing and bankruptcy? And dripping disdain for government? As for peacemaking [snort], more like piecemaking. Yet we let them. Thank you DOJ. Today's lead chicken apparently interested to continue tradition.


We let them do all that too. Like the worst couldn't happen here?


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Could the clearest patriotism be demonstrated in countries without democracy by citizens who realize what they don't have and can't take for granted?


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Not only ads, PODCASTS! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrQu8dSg1bHbj5eyXC7XewB-rqHyR994E Just yesterday - Greta!

Finding more co-existent survival/thriving adaptations the corporate media/military/industrial/political complex seems intent to smother, worse, ignore! We feed what we attend to; any more we muchly feed the negative, the divisive. In line with Lakoff, don't we need fast tracking frame change. Few more dots on the map,





Have we passed tipping point? COP26 establishment unable to maintain total message control! Grab that media ankle and shake it :-)

So much of this isn't new - why are we not desperate to understand, assimilate, apply. ?

On my current stack, what will it reveal? 8 min. video intro here, Apr. 2008 crystal ball?


P.S. Who could (does?) publish an online hi viz curated platform of planet savers and action platforms to speed the healing, build resiliency. . .

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Catching up with your videos. Had to check Brown U. Wasn't familiar with the Political Theory Project but I do follow the Costs of War Project at the Watson Institute there, not nearly similar :-)

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Haha yes, just a slight difference, although I guess if you zoom out (a lot), both are critical of government spending...

Thanks for tuning in!

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Now I'm reminded of Biden's unveiling the JFK story. Delayed again. For the good of the nation really? Was it Sopko or Shaub who recently said governments don't declassify good news. One more US whopper here?

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Maybe Sopko? Yeah, I wonder if Biden officials know that the longer they hide these skeletons the grosser and more decayed they become

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facts delivered outside political and corporate media kaleidoscopes (a soupçon)


thejuicemedia honest government ads, sample


thejuicemedia podcasts, sample


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Generally now re the 3 branches' management what's not to criticize?

Off that track, is there Skipped History of media impact on public political opinion? And governing board/advertiser impact on media delivery? Like defense industry impact on 'defense' policy/budget. Corporate impact on legislation/funding. People seem to get Viet Nam skips, maybe Afghanistan (although what media regularly reminds us of yrs of SIGAR warnings), but don't we mostly still fall for 'breaking news' 24/7 with those high drama adjectives. One reason Skipped History is refreshing, you're a Sherlock for what's missing.

And thanks for reading/replying to comments!

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I'm taking that praise to the bank! Much, much appreciated, although maybe undeserved because I'm not (yet) sure of the answers to these questions. There's a book called "The Race Beat" that I began reading but have yet to get very far in... it talks about how in the 60s the press (led by Black reporters) turned the civil rights movement into a significant news story after decades of ignoring the realities of systemic racism in the US.

Also, after seeing major publications' doom n gloom coverage of the elections last week (from the Dems' perspective), I started thinking that a video or post on the history of the press' dramatic coverage of elections vs. the more sanguine realities could be illuminating.

All of this is to say, Watson, that you're raising questions about media's impact on public perceptions that I'm wondering about myself in one form or another.

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from today's The Daily Poster's email,


“American journalism is a class institution serving the rich and spurning the poor.” — Upton Sinclair in The Brass Check, one of the first structural critiques of U.S. media. Sinclair self-published the book in 1919 . .

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😬 a frighteningly timeless critique. I might have to share this on Twitter... thanks for sharing.

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It was Matt Taibbi who hooked me, explaining too big to fail and LIBOR in words I could understand. He revealed the obvious - and it rang true. He gave me several EUREKA! moments. Re media, I first had heartburn with Maddow over what seemed to me shameless promotion of Hillary. It was Taibbi's HATE, INC. that started me on the path to find info sources to counter/round out corporate media [beware dramatic 'news' adjectives, NYT and WP both, compare to ethics statements, start here https://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp]. Ralph Nader too, with questions on NPR board member conflicts of interest. Like Skipped History, Sherlock, I think the real juice is in what's missing. I can't hog your space or time but I could go on considerably. Including my concerns about media raters.

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I'll check out the SPJ link! Your raising of questions about NPR reminds me of this article I learned about last week from journalist Emily Atkin:


Check out the editor's note at the bottom... okay, back to work!

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Like my ceramics teacher used to say, 'WHOA baby!' WHAT a title for that obfuscatory content. Is the disclaimer supposed to release the authors from their journalistic commitment to truth? [Hey we TOLD you we work for big oil. And apparently the Dems establishment.] Was Joe Manchin forcing Biden to petition OPEC this summer for more oil to lower US gas prices (reportedly to raise presidential popularity)? Why is Biden considering tapping oil reserves? Rising gas prices (note my rising voice?) aren't the perfect time for this administration to zero in on the benefits of and critical need for renewables? Or votes are more important than partnering to save the world? How about the US military contribution to pollution yet lack of accountability? See Pelosi's avoidance of the direct question at COP26? Start around 23:00 on the counter here, PBS News Hour, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_OWVmJb0D4 and don't leave until Pelosi stops for room clearing. And Obama's blaming China and Russia without acknowledging our own responsibility or refusal to act? Why do we have continued fossil fuel subsidies? What action from Biden on Trump's DOL final January rule to prohibit ERISA pensions participating in socially responsible investments (that address among other unacknowledged costs of big business, environmental concerns)? And when does transitioning ever end? What about our crimes against humanity, including at home?

I'd say this NPR article contributes to an increasingly poorly attempted US illusion of leadership the rest of the world finally begins to confront in Glasgow (and see from Afghanistan) as the self-serving bullying it is . And media colludes - too often through omission of facts we'd have to know to see they're missing. Think our savior status in Viet Nam. Until it wasn't. It's historical. Resource raping, missionary preaching while doing the opposite. And corporate media colludes with articles not false, but subtly biased and far from complete. [This is just between us, right?]

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Hey Sherlock, suggesting baseline considerations: Presentation & Perception.

George Lakoff clued us in on framing years ago. Some were naturals long before that. Too many still haven't gotten the message. Grab Attention, Retain Attention, Identifying Catchwords, Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat. I read Don't Think of An Elephant as a volunteer for a mayoral candidate. Praised as brilliant! by the team, but not practiced regardless that the old ways didn't work or make sense. We lost. But Lakoff has lots more to say on communication and cognition. https://georgelakoff.com/

The Milgram experiments: subjects who delivered as directed what they thought were increasing levels of physical shock to recipients from whom they could hear increasingly pained screams. The question, how far would the shock deliverers go in following authoritative directions? The answer, farther than anybody thought - unless there was a resister. https://www.thoughtco.com/milgram-experiment-4176401

Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity: stupid people are more dangerous than evil people, stupidity a moral failing hard to prevent or protect against. Groups more susceptible (Milgram's objecter!), delivering their individual autonomy to an authority figure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc&list=WL&index=65 (6 min.)

My take, we swallow whole the processed product we're fed by authority figures and/or (this is all dynamic, vacillating wildly among discreet events from innumerable variables) we ask about all facets of ingredients, cooks, farm stands, restaurants, and make informed decisions to feed from a single trough or sample more. Questions about media meals might include

who presents

who pays

who benefits

what facts v. what nonfacts in any serving (remembering a few pepper flakes can hot the whole pot)

what's in it for Nature ( including humanity including me)

what's in it for Mother Earth

what's in it for the messengers

Long ago I heard the French train their children to factcheck. Since we generally acknowledge that's such a big issue, to what extent do we here? Why not? And not just kids - Congress!

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You got me wondering how many times Joe Biden has used the term 'common good'. No answer from a quick search but I came on this internal consistency head scratcher White House//FACT SHEET. Separating church from state through a White House Office for Faith Based . . . Partnerships? KNOWING doesn't mean doing, and CIVIL is not religious. (Nor in an international forum is CIVIL bullying.) And named groups aren't special interests? Don't think of an elephant :-)

"As our country grapples with a global pandemic, a severe economic downturn, the scourge of systemic racism, an escalating climate crisis and profound polarization, President Biden knows that civil society partnerships are essential to meeting such challenges."


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